Wednesday, November 6, 2013


Thoughts on the  6 Statewide Propositions up for vote 11/5/13

Prop 1 -   Authorize 7 new Casinos

No -   Detracts from the character of the community it is located in.

          Not an efficient fund raiser for Education or any other State  responsibility.

          Not an efficient means to provide substantial  jobs to stimulate the economy.

           Unproductive activity.  Drains more from the economy than it provides.

           Not compatible with the American Work Ethic

           More casinos means greater opportunity  for the participation of  more people that cannot afford to gamble.

Yes     It creates jobs and the answer to our current problem is more jobs.

           Completely compatible with our Stock Market and Lottery activities.

           Gets more people  off welfare. (highly contested view)

           Stimulates the economy.  Breeds other job producing activities.

           Provides recreation and entertainment.

Prop 2 - Give extra credits for disabled veterans on test for civil service appointments and promotions.

Yes    No opposition

Prop 3 - Increase debt limit for cities, towns etc to provide sewerage service.

Yes    Little opposition

No     Let private business enterprise provide this!

Prop 4 - Let legislature settle land disputes.

No    This should be settled by the Courts

         Little confidence in Legislature to make fair and honest decision

Yes    It is a political problem and should be settled y legislature.

Prop 5 - Give mining rights to mine 200 acres of State Forrest Preserve.

Yes    Stimulates economy. creates jobs

          Return more beneficial to State than the mineral it looses.

No     Forrest belongs to the people, should not be exploited for private gain.

          Little confidence in State to make honest and fair deal.

Prop 6  - Allow judges to stay on job until 80 years of age.

Yes    Age should not be a factor

No     Proposition should also include a test for competency


Monday, November 4, 2013


They told us "It's the Economy Stupid". and evidently they were right in every respect.  Led by the artificial persons created by law (corporations) Economic interests have taken over the Government, and now they threaten to take over Education. (common core program)

The concept of enterprise in the free market business enterprise has been eliminated from the American free business enterprise system.  Success in business has changed from "building a better mouse trap" to getting the winning lottery ticket .

Our public educational system was started at the ground roots.  Communities set up the "Little Red School House" as the first public schools.  School Boards  were elected by local voters to run the public schools.  Local real estate taxes were levied to fund the these schools.  States then organized the educational system and contributed partial funding mandating requirements for all schools leaving the operation and major funding of each school with the local school boards.  Federal funding was then offered the States on condition of certain requirements.  Schools became geared more and more to economic interests; first for the welfare of the students, and now with the welfare of our Corporations and their position in the global economy.  In effect, we are now preparing students for Jobs instead of Careers.  The goal for the most part is changing from pride in personal achievement to the accumulation of wealth.

Common Core is creating a curriculum for all students to achieve a level of competency in math, science and technology that will help our nation maintain its leadership in the global economy.   As part of the program, teachers are charged with this responsibility, and to accomplish this with reduced funding.  The program increases the size of Administration and Supervision budgets and staffs to secure government approval and support for the program.

This is a common and simple political tactic in a Republic where the people turn their Democratic rights over to Representatives that they know nothing about and don't bother to find out if these Representatives are properly representing them or not.

If one were to review the history of our free market business enterprise system. they would see this same pattern.  A craftsman or person with a
a particular talent or gift would offer that gift for a medium of  exchange which he or she would use to secure the goods and services that he or she needed or desired.  This was the beginning of "small business."  Partnerships were later developed to expand the business and accumulate greater wealth.  In a competitive "free market" system, success depended upon sales; the greater the sales, the greater the profit.  Sales prediction was the unknown and the risk factor.  The greater the production and sales, the greater the profit for the business and the greater the tax for the government.  Over production resulted in loss of profit  and possible bankruptcy.    In an attempt to  eliminate personal loss and encourage greater production,  the government created an artificial person  called The corporation.   This gave business operators greater sums of money to risk without  personal property  risk.   This  helped the nation to become a leading global economy but it did not solve the problem of loss from over production.  Government intervention although well intended exacerbated the problem.  The elimination of responsible credit regulations and the passage of irresponsible tax breaks to businesses to stimulate production
brought about massive corporation failures and massive government debt.
The government determined that the banking industry and several corporations were to big to fail went further into debt to bail out these failures.  The plan for a solution of recovery was to give grants to businesses and continue the tax breaks to stimulate production.  The "Production part of the government"  that supported the Economy (Education, Law Enforcement, Infrastructure, etc) were drastically cut increasing the job losses along with other well intended  intervention put the country  in a political  conflict that promoted chaos and stress.  The Decision Making part of the government (Congress and elected officials) continued with well intentioned intervention, the latest of which is the "Common Core."