Thursday, October 23, 2008


Refer to the Associated Press Report by Pete Yost (Page 1 & 4 of The Daily Gazette, October 20, 2008)

Pre 2004 Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae were Democratic Strongholds
After 2004 Republicans ran the Political Operations of FM and FM

2004- Hollis McLoughlin, former Asst. Sec of Treas., became Chief of Staff of Freddie Mac.
2005- Government Auditors exposed massive accounting issues at Freddie Mac
2005- Senator Hagel (R-Neb) sponsored a bill to regulate the FMs liberal credit policies and accounting issues.
2005- McLaughlin responded by secretely hiring DCI (Senior Partner Doug Goodyear, political "consultant" from Arizona). 17 States were targeted for political "counselling."
2005- 25 Republican Senators requested Senate Majority Leader, Bill Frist (R-Tenn) to bring the bill to the Senate floor for a vote.
2005- 9 of the targeted Senators, plus 20 Republican Senators and all of the Democratic Senators withdrew support for the bill.
2005 - Senate Majority Leader, Bill Frist (R-Tenn) refused to allow the Nagel Bill
on the Senate Floor for Vote.
2008 - Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae went bankrupt and started the "Credit Crisis."
2008- The Government asked for, and Congress agreed to give 700 billion to the FMs and other bankrupt corporations. Government claims that
hard working Americans trying to achieve the American Dream of home ownership failed to meet their mortgage payments on a deceptive mortgage and caused the world credit crisis. (Nothing has been said about the massive accounting issues exposed in Freddie Mac in 2005)

Let's look at this in simple terms. In 2005 inspectors (government auditors) exposed massive accounting issues (massive numbers of chickens missing) in Freddie Mac's books. (in the chicken coop). Police Officer (Hagel) wrote a report suggesting that a Fox had gotten into the chicken coop and that a lock should be put on the Coop. Fox of Interest (McLoughlin) secretly hired Attorney Slippery (Goodyear) to "counsel" the Chief of Police (Frist) to tear up the Police Officer's (Hagel's) report, which he did. In 2008 Fox of Interest (McLoughlin)
found that he didn't have any eggs to give to the people that paid for them.
The Mayor and the City Treasurer (Sec of Treas and Administration) got together to figure out what to do. First they had to find someone to blame and it was decided that the crisis was caused by the poor people who didn't pay for their eggs (the mortgagees that could not cope with the balloon interest payments) They then decided to give massive numbers of chickens to the Fox of Interest (McLaughlin) and the other Corporate CEO's.

Does this really solve the problem? What happened to all those chickens? Shouldn't we catch the fox first and put a secure lock on the coop (Regulations)
before just putting a lot more chickens in the Coop?

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The View From 2217 said...

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