Friday, December 5, 2008


The American Dream was based on honest, hard work! Easy money to banks to give easy money to home owners is another example of Government Intervention to destroy the American Dream.

Remember when the American Dream was to work hard, save your money, and buy a home? Easy low interest credit for banks from the Government brought about low savings rates at the bank which discouraged savings, and easy credit for purchase of a home looked like a way around "work hard and save your money" to buy a home.

The problem came when the payments for the home (PLUS INTEREST) requires more cash than Average Joe and his wife can earn. The case is very simple. That $200,000 dream home will cost $400,000 WHEN INTEREST IS ADDED, and that is more than the Average Joe and his wife can earn.

The Government solution to the problem; more easy money to the banks which Average Joe and his wife will have to pay for in taxes, will not leave them anything from their hard work for savings, and thus destroy the American Dream for good.

The American Dream was not meant to be a gift, it was something to work for.

Food for Thought: The Government gives the banks credit at 1 1/2% and the banks charge the Average Joe and his wife 5 1/2%. Who is the Government helping by bailing out the banks with easy credit?

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