Friday, April 17, 2009


There is little to be gained by leaving "Advisors" in Iraq. Combat troops could at least try to protect themselves, but advisors are just sitting ducks.

There are extreemists that will resist until they are put under control by the Iraqi Government. These extreemists consider the US as their main enemy and will not yield as long as we are in Iraq. Our presence simply gives them another cause to pursue.

Every country has its Rebels and it is an internal problem that each country has to solve for itself.

The Mexican drug problem is another issue. Gun dealers and drug pushers in the US have caused the problem and continue to contribute to the problem. Actually, we are one of the main contributers to the drug problem in Afghanistan as well; and ironically the Teliban would probably do a better job of controlling this problem than we have done, or will do.

God help us to tackle the problems that we can solve and stay away from the problems that we cannot solve; and help us to know which is which.

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