Thursday, November 19, 2009


Pundits claim that Obama hasn't done anything that he has promised. He promised 1)Universal Health Care, 2) Closing of Guantanamo and the end of the torturing of prisoners, 3) Reversal of the economic down fall, 4) Lower taxes for those making 250,000 or less, 5) Withdrawal of our troops in Iraq, and 6) A conclusion to the War in Afghanistan.

We do not have a Universal Health Care Program, but concentrated action to produce such a program has been pursued 24/7 and proposals are being considered in both the House and Senate; Guantanamo has not been completely closed but key prisoners have been removed and scheduled for trial and the torturing of prisoners has been outlawed; We are still in a "mild" economic depression, but stimulus packages have been enacted and a number of banks and two automobile industries have started a recovery with one reporting a one billion profit in the last quarter; the tax forms have not yet been released to the public so no valid judgment could be made at this point; troops have been withdrawn from Iraq and more are scheduled; and serious negotiations for resolving the war in Afghanistan are underway. Obama's term of office is yet to reach the halfway point so it would be premature to make a responsible judgment of success or failure. However to conclude that Obama hasn't done anything is completely irresponsible.

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