Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Both parties agree that changes in our Government and Economy must be made and both promise to make these changes if elected. But, what changes are needed and what changes are promised?

First, we must understand how our government and economy are now operating and why does it need changing.

We have two economic systems operating together in our country:
1) A private free market business enterprise system owned and operated privately under the control of the owners, with personal liability for the debts of the business.
2) A public business enterprise system comprised of "Artificial Persons created by law" (Corporations) owned by public investors and managed by professionals, both with limited personal liability for the debts of the business.

Both systems operate together in a minipulated free market business enterprise system, and as one might expect, the artificial persons with the advantage of limited personal liability plus access to unlimited funds have taken over most of the economy.

The Professional managers (CEO's), like the government managers (President and Government officers), have taken control of these artificial persons and many have placed personal objectives above the welfare of those that they represent. Consequently, CEO's with the help of government subsidies and the investment of owner's profits have expanded their businesses to the point where they are out of control. Freed from any personal liability for their actions, CEO's have taken irresponsible risks in the hope of making greater profits and greater personal remuneration. Too many of these irresponsible risks have failed, and hence, the crisis.

Specifically, in regard to the major part of the current crisis; aided by the Government, great sums of money were made available for Real Estate Development which was sold on credit that many of the buyers could not afford. The government set up additional "artificial persons" (Fannie and Freddie, etc)
to accept this poor credit in exchange for cash which the CEO's used to "reward" themselves and to expand supply beyond capable demand. When these creditors were unable to pay their mortgages, the government subsidized artifical persons were without funds to pay their bills or to lend more money to perpetuate the trickle down theory, and hence the crisis and the artificial persons are now looking for more money to keep afloat. Unfortunately, the governbment is also over its head in debt from taking irresponsible risks, and the crisis becomes even greater.


If the government should decide to use taxpayers funds to "solve" this crisis, the bailout could take two approaches. 1) give the artificial persons funds to cover their losses (Bad Debts) or 2) give funds to "Bad Debters" to pay off their mortgages. In either case provision could and should be made for reimbursement to the taxpayers. (Actually the second approach would be an attempt to help both groups)


For Starters:

1) We must provide a fair playing field for Private Business Enterprises if we are to continue with a Free Market Business Enterprise System to manage our Economy.


A) The Artificial Persons cannot continue to exploit their advantages in the system. Government Regulations must be enacted and enforced to make artificial persons responsible for their acts. If they fail, they should not be bailed out by the government, AND THE GOVERNMENT SHOULD NOT SUBSIDIZED THEM.

B) Give the owners ofthe Artificial Persons (shareholders) control over the profits of their business as dividends. The owners can keep the profits or reinvest them AT THEIR OWN DESCRESSION.

C) The remunerationof CEO's should be subject to the vote of the shareholders.

a) Make records and activities of artificial persons open to the public.
Detailed budgets matched with full disclosure financial statements should be published and available to government regulators and to every shareholder.

b) Require color coded reports with instructions on how to read the statements.
(Blue-Assets, Red-Liabiolities, Yellow-Net Worth, Green-income, Orange-Expenses, Puraple-costs, Black-current profit, etc.)

E) Restrict Artificial Persons from anti-fair trade mergers and take-overs.

(MANY CHANGES IN THE GOVERMENT SHOULD BE MADE AS WELL, BUT THAT IS ANOTHER BLOG) Big may be beautiful but it can also become Obesse and easily hide abuse and corruption.


Tuesday, September 23, 2008


The election this November isn't just between McCain and Obama, it is between Government subsidized Global Big Business and Independent Domestic Small Business. The current Republican Party has joined forces with International Banking and Global Big Business to allow CEO's to give themselves enormous bonuses that they partly share with Congressional Leaders. They have become so greedy that they are bankrupt to the extent of 700 Billion dollars, SO FAR!

It is estimated that Corporate Leader's Bonuses over the last two years alone were over half of this 700 billion deficit. (Incidentally, these "Leaders" are the people now receiving the Bush Tax Break that McCain is committed to continue.)

For the past 8 years, the Republican Party has been more concerned with the invasion of Iraq than it has with the welfare of the hard working middle class here at home.

No matter who the Republicans choose to be their President, the unfair practice of unregulated operation of Government subsidized Global Big Business will continue with little or no change. We do not need McCain "Band Aides" to patch up a broken Republican Party, we need an "Obama and Democratic Operation" to renew our economy here at home.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

McCain Reaction

The McCain reaction to the current financial crisis was so George Bush.-- "Fire the so and so's," "I'm gonna kick butt," etc. Would McCain now invade Iran to straighten out our financial mess if he were president? (It would create more jobs wouldn't it)

Both Obama and Biden gave responsible responses - "Don't panic! This is not the end of the world. We will work through the solution."

You don't solve big problems with a reaction. You solve big problems with a considered response.

Enough Macho Retaliation! Let's use Statesmanship!

(Dictionary definition for those who have forgotten what statesmanship is -- "Wisdom and Skill in the Management of Public Affairs")

Sunday, September 14, 2008


We don't need another macho president, we need a statesman and a diplomat. We need a leader to take us to prosperity and not to war! Most of all, we need a leader to tell us the straight truth.

McCain will not lower taxes on those making $250,000 or less to the extent that Obama's program will lower them. What John McCain will do is to continue the tax breaks that the Bush Administration has given to those making over $250,000. This includes those in the last few years who have incomes in the million and billion dollar brackets. The Republican theory here is that these wealthy people will invest their money to make even greater gains and that more money will trickle down to those in the lower income brackets. BUT, this strategy isn't working. We are going deeper and deeper into debt, deeper than we have ever been before; and this weakens our dollar and is one of the failed policies that has led to higher prices especially in the vital area of energy costs.

Obama on the other hand will substantially lower taxes on those making $250,000 or less and will admitedly raise the taxes on those making over $250,000; especially those in the million and billion dollar brackets. This will be done by cancelling those tax breaks given by the Bush Administration in their failed policies that McCain is committed to continue.

What is the truth? Very simply, Obama will lower the tax for those making less than $250,000 and by canceling the tax breaks for those making over $250,000 (particularly those in the million and billion tax brackets) Obama's action will result in raising taxes for this group. McCain, although bucking the Republican party on lesser issues, is a member of the Republican party and must follow, and will follow, the party line which includes continuing the tax breaks for the wealthy party members who fund and control party policies.

McCain will not cut spending and balance the budget. The Billions to be spent in continuing the Iraq invasion is one of the greatest costs in the Bush Administration budget, and McCain is commited to continue this operation.
The infamous "ear mark spending" that reached the height of irresponsibility with the Alaskan Bridge to Nowhere, is actually miniscual compared to the cost of the Iraq Invasion, but it is a project that was exposed and defeated by the Democrats in Congress who worked with McCain on this before the Republican Governor of Alaska decided, "Thanks but No Thanks."

Obama is committed to end the Iraq Occupation, and this spending cut by itself could fund the amount needed to gain Universal Health Insurance Coverage and then some. The increased tax income from the repeal of the Bush Tax Break for the wealthy would provide enough funds to improve educational opportunities and fund other needed reforms.

The policies of "The Obama Change" do not support Liberal Socialism as Republicans contend. The "Obama Changes" support the Free Business Enterprise System with Social Responsibility. The irresponsible Rebublican Free Business Enterprise System without accountability is a license for exploitation. This exploitation is evident in the corruption and failures in our economy today.

John McCain is an honorable man, and his running mate is a respectable overachiever, but as figure heads for the Republican party they are committed to continue the failed Republican policies that have been in control for the last eight years. Distortions of the truth and distractions from the truth will not change the truth, and the return of the Republicans to office in November will not make a change in our government.


Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Not Socialism, but Free Business Enterprise with Social Responsibility

Under our current unregulated free business enterprise system, Big Business can exploit and abuse power to amass fortunes for an elite few with just enough trickling down to convince the majority of the middle class that they are well off or will become well off if they work hard. This has resulted in a small class of extremely wealthy people and an increasingly larger population of poor people, with half of the lower middle class struggling to keep afloat. Big business is taking over and small business is being eased out.

Under a more regulated free business enterprise system, big business could be curbed from exploiting its power and destroying small business. This could be accomplished by enforcing anti-trust laws, restricting mergers and takeovers that create monopolies, putting the control of the corporations into the hands of the owners of the corporations (the stockholders) and returning profits as cash dividends instead of using profits to expand operations with greater remuneration for the Ceos. (investors should make the decision to determine how much and where to invest.) Ceo's salaries and perks should be under the control of the stockholders as well, and not determined by the nonrepresentative Board of Directors or the CEO himself.

Incidentally, the salaraies and perks of government officials should also be under the control of the tax payers and not the officials themselves who now determine their own salary and perks.)

Under this proposed system, there would be less exploitation, more competition to keep consumer prices under control, and and a more level playing field for small business to function. There would still be greed and we would still have an elite wealthy class, but perhaps with more reasonable gains; a larger middle class at a higher level of gain; and a less fortunate class assisted by the social responsibility of the government.

What would constitute social responsibility?

Universal Health Care, Free public education through college, and possibly more government control of public transporation and vital utilities. The argument for "competition" is mute in these areas as they are basic necessities for all citizens and should be available to all without competition.

What are the Changes?

Both parties are now claiming to be the party of change! The fact that change is necessary is a no brainer, but what are they going to change?

Change the present administration? That's another no brainer.

Change our freedoms; the right to bear arms or a woman's right to an abortion?

Change our practice of freedom to do anything you want to until you're caught breaking the law?

The fundamental freedom for Americans is the freedom of religion, and that's pretty well guaranteed. How about freedom from religion; not forcing others to do everything "our way" just because it is our personal religious belief. That might be a change!

The main concern in our society is the Economy. Everything revolves around our economy, even religion. Free business enterprise is our chosen system for every individual to gain a fair share of material wealth without stealing or going to war. But we may need some changes to curb exploitation and abuse.
Perhaps that is the change we need now.

Does our economic future depend on continuing to cater and subsidize unrestrained greed at all costs. Can't Big Business suceed without the freedom to exploit and manipulate loop holes in the law until they cause a disaster? (ie Savings and Loan Scandal, Exon Scandal, current mortgage disaster, etc.) Do we have to depend upon foreign oil because those in power are partners with the foreign oil interests and we have built a transportation system and subsideary industries that need oil? How about changing our dependency on foreign oil? That might be a good change.


Friday, September 5, 2008

John McCain is an American Hero

John McCain is an honorable man. He has served his country well in war and in peace. He believes and knows that there are changes needed in Washington. Some of his proposed changes are the very same changes that Barack Obama has proposed. But, John McCain may not be able to make those changes. John McCain has too much baggage. John McCain is a member of the Republican Party and Washington is the Republican Party.

Contrary to popular belief, our Economy and Affairs of State are not managed by a President or Congress; they are managed by powerful behind the scenes committies, like the Energy Committee and Finance Committee, bolstered by a powerful coalition of special interest groups, the most powerful of which are the two groups with "religious agendas." In recent history,, only one president, Democrat or Republican, has openly attempted to oppose the coalition, and he was far from being successful.
Like that president, McCain would try his best, but the opposition is just too great.

Barack Obama cannot make changes in Washington by himself either. However,
with the large numbers of intellectual young people inspired by Obama,
along with some caring members of the "establishment" and some help across the isle from people like John McCain, he may have a chance.

The recent Republican Convention clearly revealed the difference between John McCain and the Republican Party. It also revealed how this hero can be manipulated. Speaker after speaker used the tried and true republican tactic of debasing the opponent and exaggerating all positive characterists of their own candidate, hiding negative aspects in half truths and in some cases outright lies. The New York mayor, who was once a hero in his own right, showed his mastery of the annoying strategy of ignoring the facts and leading the cheering secton with cheap, immature insults. The want-a-be VP proudly announced that her reaction to the "Bridge to Nowhere" was "Thanks but no Thanks," completely ignoring the fact that she indeed supported the Bridge Project until she discovered that the bridge would not be funded. In contrast, McCain took the high road and gave an inspiring speech on a quest for something higher than ourselves.

The saddest revelation of the convention might be the manipulation of McCain to abandon his choice for VP and endorse a relatively unknown overachiever to groom a future figure head for the Washington Establishment. Forget the fact that she is completely unsupportive for the war against Global Warming or protection of the wild life in her state; or the fact that she is being investigated for "abuse of power" in her position of trust, and that she has authorized $95,000 of taxpayer funds to a private attorney to defend her position. She was a woman who spoke highly of Hillary Clinton, but for what purpose? Was a quest for somnething higher than ourselves abandoned for political expediency?

Do John McCain a favor; don't ask him to go to Washington to a frustrating failure, sacrificing his health and valuable time with his family in his declining years. Send him back to the Senate where he can continue to be a maverick and perhaps help to make some real changes in Washington with Barack Obama as president. Send his VP choice back to take care of the "loose ends" that she has left up there.


Wednesday, September 3, 2008

More Evidence of McCain's "Bush Temperment."

Is McCain's recent impetuous selection of a VP running mate further evidence of
his quick decisions without proper thought and consideration; a trait of his colleague, President Bush, that has gotten us into our seven year disaster in Iraq? McCain's recent threat to "follow Bin Laden to the gates of hell," sounded so much like Bush's initial threat to "Kick Butt" just before he lost his focus and invaded Iraq.

Some Republican leaders have criticized OBama for his cautious response to the Russia/Georgia incident when he recommended that we contact the UN leadership to discuss a united approach to the problem. Isn't this the kind of temperment for decision making that we need to have in the White House? I hope that McCain isn't thinking of a pre-emptive strike on Russia should, God Forbid, he somehow succeed Bush as "Commander in Chief.

There are many good soldiers and many great women in our society, but not all of them have the qualifications to lead our country. Sometimes we become confused by the idea that any citizen can become the president (or vice president) in a democracy. Shouldn't it be any citizen who has the competence and proper tempermant can become the president or vice president?

Comments welcome