Friday, September 5, 2008

John McCain is an American Hero

John McCain is an honorable man. He has served his country well in war and in peace. He believes and knows that there are changes needed in Washington. Some of his proposed changes are the very same changes that Barack Obama has proposed. But, John McCain may not be able to make those changes. John McCain has too much baggage. John McCain is a member of the Republican Party and Washington is the Republican Party.

Contrary to popular belief, our Economy and Affairs of State are not managed by a President or Congress; they are managed by powerful behind the scenes committies, like the Energy Committee and Finance Committee, bolstered by a powerful coalition of special interest groups, the most powerful of which are the two groups with "religious agendas." In recent history,, only one president, Democrat or Republican, has openly attempted to oppose the coalition, and he was far from being successful.
Like that president, McCain would try his best, but the opposition is just too great.

Barack Obama cannot make changes in Washington by himself either. However,
with the large numbers of intellectual young people inspired by Obama,
along with some caring members of the "establishment" and some help across the isle from people like John McCain, he may have a chance.

The recent Republican Convention clearly revealed the difference between John McCain and the Republican Party. It also revealed how this hero can be manipulated. Speaker after speaker used the tried and true republican tactic of debasing the opponent and exaggerating all positive characterists of their own candidate, hiding negative aspects in half truths and in some cases outright lies. The New York mayor, who was once a hero in his own right, showed his mastery of the annoying strategy of ignoring the facts and leading the cheering secton with cheap, immature insults. The want-a-be VP proudly announced that her reaction to the "Bridge to Nowhere" was "Thanks but no Thanks," completely ignoring the fact that she indeed supported the Bridge Project until she discovered that the bridge would not be funded. In contrast, McCain took the high road and gave an inspiring speech on a quest for something higher than ourselves.

The saddest revelation of the convention might be the manipulation of McCain to abandon his choice for VP and endorse a relatively unknown overachiever to groom a future figure head for the Washington Establishment. Forget the fact that she is completely unsupportive for the war against Global Warming or protection of the wild life in her state; or the fact that she is being investigated for "abuse of power" in her position of trust, and that she has authorized $95,000 of taxpayer funds to a private attorney to defend her position. She was a woman who spoke highly of Hillary Clinton, but for what purpose? Was a quest for somnething higher than ourselves abandoned for political expediency?

Do John McCain a favor; don't ask him to go to Washington to a frustrating failure, sacrificing his health and valuable time with his family in his declining years. Send him back to the Senate where he can continue to be a maverick and perhaps help to make some real changes in Washington with Barack Obama as president. Send his VP choice back to take care of the "loose ends" that she has left up there.


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