Saturday, December 20, 2008


The government has determinded that we have a financial crisis because Main St. doesn not have enough money to pay their credit debts and buy a new car. The government has also determinded that the way to solve the credit crisis is to give 750 Billion to Wall Street plus near 0% interest credit so that they can give Main St. more credit to pay off their current credit debt. (Pay off credit with credit and buy a new car on credit too? How interesting!) Interesting question, "What will happen when this larger credit debt comes due?

Wouldn't it make more sense to use some of the bailout money to supplement the Unemployment Insurance, follow the normal bankruptcy procedure where appropriate and give those who reached beyond their means the opportunity to start over again.

It might also make sense to balance the government budgets , starting by cutting all salaries and pensions of government employees making $75,000 or more by 10%, and cutting remuneration of Elected Officials who are "serving" the people by 25% to put them on a more realistic level with the current economy.

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