Monday, March 30, 2009


Credit, like hope is a major element for achievement in our society and culture; but without substance they become the hollow cry of defeat; a prologue to disaster. Hope, without the effort to achieve the prize hoped for is meaningless. Credit, without the security for repayment is a frivolous gamble.

While investment is a financial risk for the investor; credit is a double risk; a financial risk for the party giving credit, and a financial risk for the party receiving credit. Insurers of the risk for the party giving credit has tended to encourage less responsible issuance of credit. The insurers of the insurers guaranteeing credit have created a false illusion of security that has produced grossly irresponsible issuance of credit, resulting in the crisis we now face.

Government bailout for irresponsible credit to restore credit will not solve the crisis. The only solution to credit failure is government regulation to require more responsible issuance of initial credit. Insuring credit by a third party passes the liability to a party once removed from the transaction. Insuring the Insurers passes the liability to a party twice removed from the transaction. The government proposal to establish the FDIC as the insurer of the insurer brings up the question, who is to insure the insurer of the insurer. That of course would be the taxpayer, a most audacious injustice.

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