Wednesday, September 3, 2008

More Evidence of McCain's "Bush Temperment."

Is McCain's recent impetuous selection of a VP running mate further evidence of
his quick decisions without proper thought and consideration; a trait of his colleague, President Bush, that has gotten us into our seven year disaster in Iraq? McCain's recent threat to "follow Bin Laden to the gates of hell," sounded so much like Bush's initial threat to "Kick Butt" just before he lost his focus and invaded Iraq.

Some Republican leaders have criticized OBama for his cautious response to the Russia/Georgia incident when he recommended that we contact the UN leadership to discuss a united approach to the problem. Isn't this the kind of temperment for decision making that we need to have in the White House? I hope that McCain isn't thinking of a pre-emptive strike on Russia should, God Forbid, he somehow succeed Bush as "Commander in Chief.

There are many good soldiers and many great women in our society, but not all of them have the qualifications to lead our country. Sometimes we become confused by the idea that any citizen can become the president (or vice president) in a democracy. Shouldn't it be any citizen who has the competence and proper tempermant can become the president or vice president?

Comments welcome

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