Sunday, September 14, 2008


We don't need another macho president, we need a statesman and a diplomat. We need a leader to take us to prosperity and not to war! Most of all, we need a leader to tell us the straight truth.

McCain will not lower taxes on those making $250,000 or less to the extent that Obama's program will lower them. What John McCain will do is to continue the tax breaks that the Bush Administration has given to those making over $250,000. This includes those in the last few years who have incomes in the million and billion dollar brackets. The Republican theory here is that these wealthy people will invest their money to make even greater gains and that more money will trickle down to those in the lower income brackets. BUT, this strategy isn't working. We are going deeper and deeper into debt, deeper than we have ever been before; and this weakens our dollar and is one of the failed policies that has led to higher prices especially in the vital area of energy costs.

Obama on the other hand will substantially lower taxes on those making $250,000 or less and will admitedly raise the taxes on those making over $250,000; especially those in the million and billion dollar brackets. This will be done by cancelling those tax breaks given by the Bush Administration in their failed policies that McCain is committed to continue.

What is the truth? Very simply, Obama will lower the tax for those making less than $250,000 and by canceling the tax breaks for those making over $250,000 (particularly those in the million and billion tax brackets) Obama's action will result in raising taxes for this group. McCain, although bucking the Republican party on lesser issues, is a member of the Republican party and must follow, and will follow, the party line which includes continuing the tax breaks for the wealthy party members who fund and control party policies.

McCain will not cut spending and balance the budget. The Billions to be spent in continuing the Iraq invasion is one of the greatest costs in the Bush Administration budget, and McCain is commited to continue this operation.
The infamous "ear mark spending" that reached the height of irresponsibility with the Alaskan Bridge to Nowhere, is actually miniscual compared to the cost of the Iraq Invasion, but it is a project that was exposed and defeated by the Democrats in Congress who worked with McCain on this before the Republican Governor of Alaska decided, "Thanks but No Thanks."

Obama is committed to end the Iraq Occupation, and this spending cut by itself could fund the amount needed to gain Universal Health Insurance Coverage and then some. The increased tax income from the repeal of the Bush Tax Break for the wealthy would provide enough funds to improve educational opportunities and fund other needed reforms.

The policies of "The Obama Change" do not support Liberal Socialism as Republicans contend. The "Obama Changes" support the Free Business Enterprise System with Social Responsibility. The irresponsible Rebublican Free Business Enterprise System without accountability is a license for exploitation. This exploitation is evident in the corruption and failures in our economy today.

John McCain is an honorable man, and his running mate is a respectable overachiever, but as figure heads for the Republican party they are committed to continue the failed Republican policies that have been in control for the last eight years. Distortions of the truth and distractions from the truth will not change the truth, and the return of the Republicans to office in November will not make a change in our government.


1 comment:

The View From 2217 said...

Over achievers have captured the "American Dream."They will tackle any job, confront any foe, and they will give 150% of themselves, 100% of the time. Their self confidence is limitless, their willingness to do theimpossible is sincere. They have become successful, and they have become all that they are capable of being.

The problem with over achievers comes when they aregiven a task that they are just uncapable of doing. The results can be catastrophic! Look what has happened to Bush 43 and Dick Cheney; and look what they have done to our beautiful country.