Monday, October 15, 2012


Like all candidates, Candidate Romney can make all  kinds of wild promises  whether they are promises  that he can keep  or not, and as a result,  he can really excite the crowd.  The incumbent President on the other hand must stick to the facts that even though they show success, they  can't compete for excitement with the promise of greater success.

Candidate Romney has criticized the President's leadership and  lack of full success citing his leadership and success in the corporate world.  Unfortunately, leadership is not the same in  the Government as it is in the Corporate world.  In the Corporate world, leadership is based upon risk taking.  The bigger the risk, the greater the gain or loss.  If the risk is successful, both the stockholders and the corporate officers make great gains.  If the risk is a failure, the stockholders are the loosers and the Corporate Officers bear no personal liability; that's the law.   In Government,  failed risks cause a loss for the Nation as a whole,  This dual approach cannot. be ignored.   The President  just cannot  take chances.  Failed decisions  cost lives  as well material losses.

A perfect example of this dangerous leadership concept is Mr. Chaney in government as Sec. of Defense, then Mr Cheney in the Corporate world  with Halburton,  Then Mr Cheney  in the Government as Vice President.

Cheney as Sec of Defense went along with President Bush's decision not to
occupy Iraq  in the first Iraq "encounter."  After  a successful role as a leader  in the Business world, when he became  Vice President he pushed for the invasion of Iraqto take the chance of finding wpw's that just didn't exist.  History will attest to the tragic consequences of this failed decision.

Romney's big advantage is not his personal success in the business world which may be a disadvangtage, but it is rather his freedom to be flexible and make any promise that the people would like to hear.

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