Saturday, August 9, 2008


In a pure Free Business Enterprise System, business is generated by supply and demand. The introduction of a monetary system made the "exchange" of goods and services simple, accessable and convenient. It seemed to be the ideal system for a Society that desired freedom and the acquisition and distribution of wealth based on the efforts and success of the individual.

The disadvantage of this system is that the Business Cycle is a basic element of the pure Free Business Enterprise System, and the Business Cycle includes DEPRESSION as one of the four phases of the cycle.

In an effort to eliminate the Depression stage of the cycle, the Government has entered the system with subsidies, bail outs and corruption in the Macro Economy with tax money collected from Small Private Business and the individual tax payers as well as the "Quazi Private" corporations that are the basis of the Government sponsored Macro Economy.

The lack of responsible regulation of government intervention has resulted in exploitation and corruption that has come close to bankrupting the total economy. Cover up with mass "stimulation" hand outs have extended the facade as the economy struggles and continues to falter.

What is the future for the American "Quazi" Free Business Enterprise System? The answer, of course, is pure speculation. The speculation of this writer is as follows:

The prevailing mood of the society is moving and probably will continue to move to the left of competition toward cooperation. A greater appreciation of the interdependency of all segments of the society could bring about government regulations that will curb irresponsible freedom and promote community welfare. Large Corporations dealing with basic public needs will quite likely be recognized as Public Corporations and regulated much the same as commercial banks are regulated today. Sundry lending institutions may well be restricted to near elimination.

Instead of the infamous "trickle down" approach with a "pot of gold" for the most fortunate and jobs for the masses, the economy may tend toward a government regulated approach featuring career opportunities and financial security for all. To facilitate this, it would probably require universally available health insurance and educational systems plus a viable social secdurity insurance program for the less fortunate.

Private small business enterprise may flourish with "tax breaks" to appease the desire for private business enterprise and to meet the need for localized and personal type services. Such breaks might include waiver of some of the business payroll taxes for businesses with under three employees and the waiver of inheritance taxes in passing the businesses to family members.

An industry of municipal public accountants may emerge as transparancy in government and industry will demand a curb on corruption. Main stream organized religion may well move toward a unitarian approach with greater tolerance and acceptance for all, reflecting the change in government. Foreign policy may tend toward defense rather than agression. The majority of public utilities and large public buildings will most likely be fueled with natural gas and nuclear power. Public transportation could greatly increase and private transporation may stagnate or decrease. Alternative energy sources should reduce our dependence on oil and the middle east and quite possibly lessen our involvement there. We may develope our major trade partners in our own hemisphere.

Greed most surely will always be with us. Free business enterprise is the civilized alternative to violence in securing wealth, but free business enterprise without restrictions is a license for exploitation and corruption. An intelligent, educated society will avoid violence at all cost. Declaration of war will hopefully be a last resort.


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